About the project...


Dance with me

The wild woman project is dedicated
to a topic that is still difficult for me to put into words. 

It is about a feeling, a natural way of life,
which - in my opinion - is often forgotten or
buried in our fast-paced world.

The Wild Woman as a symbol at the center,
a reminder of a way of life and a philosophy.

Above all, she marks a path on which we are walking.

A path that leads us back to a deeper connection
with ourselves, our fellow human beings and the world itself. 

For me personally, it is an outreach to the essence, 
to the core, to what counts for me in life 
and what is worth striving for. 

Core values of this project are 
- Freedom
- Being in connection (with oneself, with each other, and nature) 
- Creating with love and enthusiasm
- natural beauty 
- being authentic 

Huge Input and enormous inspiration and on this project
Thanks to Clarissa Pinkola Estés
and her work "Women who run with the wolves"

Thanks to Portugal and all the women
who are walking this path with me. 

Jumping into the cold together and step 
into the known unknown. 


So I am very happy 

to all new collaborations.

companions, vision keepers and encounters. 

I can already see us - sitting together at a big wooden table, 
celebrating life, howling at the moon, 
and dancing with the tide. 

You want to be part of the project?


For further information, just send me a short message and I´ll reach out for you as soon as possible!

I am really looking forward to read/hear from you!